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22-Java基础面试题(二十二) – 数据库



student(sno,sname,sage,ssex)学生表 course(cno,cname,tno) 课程表 sc(sno,cno,score) 成绩表 teacher(tno,tname) 教师表


update sc set score = (select avg(sc_2.score) from sc sc_2 wheresc_2.cno=sc.cno) from course,teacher where course.cno=sc.cno and course.tno=teacher.tno andteacher.tname='王五'



, select sno from sc where sno <> 2 group by sno having sum(cno) = (select sum(cno) from sc where sno = 2) , select b.sno, b.sname from sc a, student b where b.sno <> 2 and a.sno = b.sno group by b.sno, b.sname having sum(cno) = (select sum(cno) from sc where sno = 2)


delete sc from course, teacher where course.cno = sc.cno and course.tno = teacher.tno and tname = '王五'


将没有课程3成绩同学的该成绩补齐, 其成绩取所有学生的课程2的平均成绩

insert sc select sno, 3, (select avg(score) from sc where cno = 2) from student where sno not in (select sno from sc where cno = 3)


— 学号,企业管理,马克思,UML,数据库,物理,课程数,平均分

select sno as 学号 ,max(case when cno = 1 then score end) AS 企业管理 ,max(case when cno = 2 then score end) AS 马克思 ,max(case when cno = 3 then score end) AS UML ,max(case when cno = 4 then score end) AS 数据库 ,max(case when cno = 5 then score end) AS 物理 ,count(cno) AS 课程数 ,avg(score) AS 平均分 FROM sc GROUP by sno ORDER by avg(score) DESC



select cno as 课程号, max(score) as 最高分, min(score) 最低分 from sc group by cno select course.cno as '课程号' ,MAX(score) as '最高分' ,MIN(score) as '最低分' from sc,course where sc.cno=course.cno group by course.cno


SELECT t.cno AS 课程号, max(course.cname)AS 课程名, isnull(AVG(score),0) AS 平均成绩, * SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/count(1) AS 及格率 FROM sc t, course where t.cno = course.cno GROUP BY t.cno ORDER BY 及格率 desc


企业管理(001),马克思(002),UML (003),数据库(004)

select avg(case when cno = 1 then score end) as 平均分1, avg(case when cno = 2 then score end) as 平均分2, avg(case when cno = 3 then score end) as 平均分3, avg(case when cno = 4 then score end) as 平均分4, * sum(case when cno = 1 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen cno = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率1, * sum(case when cno = 2 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen cno = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率2, * sum(case when cno = 3 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen cno = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率3, * sum(case when cno = 4 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen cno = 4 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率4 from sc

119、查询不同老师所教不同课程平均分, 从高到低显示

select max(c.tname) as 教师, max(b.cname) 课程, avg(a.score) 平均分 from sc a, course b, teacher c where a.cno = b.cno and b.tno = c.tno group by a.cno order by 平均分 desc 或者: select r.tname as '教师',r.rname as '课程' , AVG(score) as '平均分' from sc, (select t.tname,c.cno as rcso,c.cname as rname from teacher t ,course c where t.tno=c.tno)r where sc.cno=r.rcso group by sc.cno,r.tname,r.rname order by AVG(score) desc


— [学生ID],[学生姓名],企业管理,马克思,UML,数据库,平均成绩

select top 6 max(a.sno) 学号, max(b.sname) 姓名, max(case when cno = 1 then score end) as 企业管理, max(case when cno = 2 then score end) as 马克思, max(case when cno = 3 then score end) as UML, max(case when cno = 4 then score end) as 数据库, avg(score) as 平均分 from sc a, student b where a.sno not in (select top 2 sno from sc where cno = 1 order by score desc) and a.sno not in (select top 2 sno from sc where cno = 2 order by scoredesc) and a.sno not in (select top 2 sno from sc where cno = 3 order by scoredesc) and a.sno not in (select top 2 sno from sc where cno = 4 order by scoredesc) and a.sno = b.sno group by a.sno

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    标题:22-Java基础面试题(二十二) – 数据库


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21-Java基础面试题(二十一) – 数据库»


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